opening hours : 09:00 am - 08:00 pm
Location : Kai 4, Tallinn
Moday - Tuesday 09:00 am - 08:00 pm
Friday - Sunday 09:00 am - 23:00 pm
Location : Kai 4, PortoFranco


Espresso&cola spritz
Kohvi limonaad
Majalimonaad kohviga
Iced matcha latte
Matcha latte
Värskelt pressitud mahl
apelsin / greip / segu
Virsiku jäätee
Iced latte macchiato
Caramel / vanilla
Iced Americano
espresso / apelsini mahl
Kohvi spritz
Vannilla cottage cheese pancakes
sour cream / jam
Cottage cheese pancakes with herbs
sour cream
Cottage cheese pancakes with marmelade
sour crem / jam
Belgian waffles
with berries and whipped cream
Ham and cheese focaccia
Whole wheat ciabatta kebab
with chicken / turkey
Ciabatta and caeser dressing
with chicken / prosciuttio
Italicus spritz
Passionfruit Martini
Baby Negroni Twist
Luxardo spritz
Aperol spritz